This exercise is like herding cats.. um wait.. this IS a sandbox! Don’t go there kitties! May have to post a picture of my cat… Blades of Fury aka Trouble! There will most likely be some changes in the next few days to links, pages, favorites etc.. not sure how best to corral these! Furies AA Grapevine: The AA Grapevine, Inc. is publisher of the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its primary purpose is to carry the AA message to everyone interested in alcoholism through its magazines, websites, and related items, which reflect the experience, strength, and hope of its members and friends on topics related to recovery, unity and service. The Art of Manliness.. and it is a lost one at that! Great reads … Furies PICK!
Addiction Recovery Blog The Addiction Recovery Blog is a place where recovering alcoholics and addicts can share their experiences, both good and bad, and help each other live in recovery.
Association of Recovery Schools Find a high school or college dedicated to achieving both academic and recovery goals. More.
Barefoot’s World : A few years ago I discovered Bob Pearson’s (GSO senior advisor) 1986 General Service Conference prescient warning about the danger of AA’s growing rigidity, here at this website created by the legendary Barefoot Bob Hardison (1933-2009; sobriety date, Feb. 28th, 1974). On entering the site, you will find scads of material on American history, the defense of liberty, and the promotion of tolerance – fascinating in and of itself – but scroll down to Barefoot’s Recovery Pages and enjoy the ride – especially fun are his “cowboy-isms.”
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous online ~ I use this site every day for quotes… my site my PICK!!!! Furies Pick!!!!
The Buddhist Recovery Network is an extraordinary resource for those who want to explore spirituality and recovery in non-“western” ways. And you don’t have to be Buddhist either! Ever respectful of all ways people choose the road to recovery, this site emphasizes, as one would expect, compassion, mindfulness, and meditation as ways of overcoming addiction to mind/body altering substances
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery Magazine – online magazine offers support and encouragement to people in recovery. Iowa State site for Drugs and information… very impressive! below are links to drug types on its site: Extensive library of recovery publications
Hindsfoot Foundation: dedicated mostly to the history of Alcoholics Anonymous. Whether one is fully committed to the AA model as it was developed by the early pioneers of the program or whether one is seeking to contemporize AA into the 21 Century, this site will provide you with lots of material for your research. Original Art, Poetry, Photography, and Blogs from people in recovery. Center For Motivation and Change. We are a group of dedicated psychologists…clinicians and researchers, who have been writing books and articles, developing groundbreaking treatments, conducting research studies, training programs and community outreach efforts for years. Our goal? Better, more effective and more respectful treatment for people struggling with substance use, as well as their families. Our even bigger goal? To change the conversation.
National Recovery Month National Recovery Month is an observance that educates Americans on the fact that addiction treatment and mental health services can enable those with a substance use disorder and/or mental health problem to live a healthy and rewarding life.
Partners for Recovery (PFR) Website features news and documents on recovery, collaboration, stigma reduction, workforce development and leadership development Web site and newletters via email on ideas for motivation with quotes… Tag line: “Simple tips and habits that work in Real Life” love it! FURIES PICK 6000+ AA Speaker Tapes by Hundreds of AA Speakers. The SMART blog is designed to help us grow awareness of SMART amongst potential participants, facilitators and volunteers, as well as with the general population. While we want to cover topics of interest to those familiar with SMART, before you start writing, think about who you want to write to. If you’re unsure of who the audience might be for your chosen topic, touch base with us in advance of writing the article to get some feedback. Center For Motivation and ChangeWe are a group of dedicated psychologists…clinicians and researchers, who have been writing books and articles, developing groundbreaking treatments, conducting research studies, training programs and community outreach efforts for years. Our goal? Better, more effective and more respectful treatment for people struggling with substance use, as well as their families. Our even bigger goal? To change the conversation. ~ Internet recovery simply consists of reaching out for support via the web. This could be in a forum, an online rehab program or through a blog. Here is our list of the 20 best recovery blogs out there (in no particular order): SMART Recovery News & Views brings you all the exciting news about SMART Recovery four times a year. You can get the latest issue here, or browse our past issues.
Stanton Peele Addiction Website: Love him or hate him (I’m somewhere in between), at least you will know the arguments 0f those who are not fond of AA and 12 Step programs. A psychologist, Peele is clear that he believes the disease model of addiction is not only an inadequate representation of what lies behind addiction but, as well, the model causes far more harm than good. Other disagreements with AA: spirituality in AA, for Peele, is merely a euphemism for religion; harm reduction as opposed to abstinence is the better way for most people to go; and most alcoholics/addicts recover on their own with either no recovery counseling or with short term, cognitively based programs. Peele writes for The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and is often an invited guest on the major American TV networks. Ted Talks.. need I say more? 2400+ talks to stir your curiosity. Pick a topic, search and even pick length. Simple and effective! The Fix is the world’s leading website about addiction and recovery, featuring a daily mix of breaking news, exclusive interviews, investigative reports, essays and blogs on sober living, lifestyle and cultural resources, as well as knowledge and wisdom from expert counsel. We also offer rigorously reported Rehab Reviews, with input from thousands of alumni, plus extensive directories and practical guides for dealing with addiction and related mental health and life issues. Further, The Fix provides an extensive forum for debating relevant issues Three Minute Therapy – just like the name says, “Change your thinking, Change your life” Efficient, active, practical therapy Tiny Buddha “Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives” blog site and newletter via email.. Great ideas on mindfullness and meditation
Women for Sobriety, Inc – an organization and a self-help program for women alcoholics