The recovery industry has an enormous amount of acronymns used! I tried to put together a list, and gave up… next best thing I found is this link to to NJPN : This resource is made possible through the Addiction Training and Workforce Development Program, funded by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
For both the below and the link, use control and F to reveal pop-up search box and type in your abbreviation… Furies!
SMART Acronyms:
ABC | An analytical tool used to identify and dispute irrational beliefs. A = Activating Event B = Beliefs C= Consequences |
Abstaining | A strategy for re-gaining independence from addictive behaviors |
Acceptance | To accept means to recognize that things are as they are, to not rage against the reality of the situation. It does not, however, mean that we will like it. It just means that we accept that reality “IS”. |
Anti-Awfulizing | A skill used to put things in realistic perspective. |
ATW | Absolute Thought Warning. These are words that we spot in our thoughts and beliefs. They are absolute demanding words. They are unachievable and unnecessary, and cause us distress. Look for: should, must, have to, can’t ought, all, need, always, never, awful, terrible, horrible. |
Beliefs | The rules, attitudes, and assumptions we hold about ourselves, others, and the world around us. The thoughts that express these beliefs. |
CBA | Cost Benefit Analysis. A tool to determine motivational directions. |
Cognitive Distortions |
“Ways of seeing” that inhibit change.
DIBs | Disputing Irrational Beliefs |
DISARM | Destructive Images and Self-talk Awareness and Refusal Method |
Disputation | The process in which we consider if what we are choosing to believe is rational or irrational. Some questions to ask yourself while disputing irrational beliefs: Can I rationally support this belief? (rationally = logically) What evidence exists for the truth or falseness of this belief? What are the worst things that could actually happen to me if I don’t get what I think I must ( or I do get what I think I must not get)? What good things could I make happen if I don’t get what i think I must ( or do get what I think I must not get)? |
Exchanging Words | A process of speaking and thinking more accurately and realistically about ourselves, others, and the world around us. |
iB | Irrational Belief |
LFT | Low Frustration Tolerance |
PPP | Patience, Practice and Persistence. |
rB | Rational Belief |
Rational | That which is logical, flexible, and promotes your personnally chosen goals and best interests. |
REBT | Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is the science of learning to recognize how our “Beliefs” (both rational (logical) and irrational (illogical and rigid) directly effect our “Emotions” and how we “Behave.” Learning how to alter an undesired outcome by learning how to create an effective new feeling and behavior by changing our beliefs through “Disputation” is the goal of REBT which has been scientifically proven to be a very effective method of dealing with addiction among other things. |
REI | Rational Emotive Imagery. A technique of visualization of events to experience and practice emotions and behaviors. |
SMART | Self-Management and Recovery Training |
Stages of Change | A Scientific Description of the Natural Process of Human Change |
UOA | Unconditional Other Acceptance. This would include life’s events ( reality ) as well. |
USA | Unconditional Self Acceptance |
VACI | Vital Absorbing Creative Interest |